Webinar on “Behavioural Interventions for Breaking Harmful Oral Habits”

The Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Biology, Saveetha dental college and hospitals had organized a guest lecture on “Behavioural Interventions for Breaking Harmful Oral Habits” on 08th February 2024. Dr. Anuapriya T Sreejith, MDS, Consultant Orthodontist, Alleppey, Kerala.

The recently conducted webinar on " Behavioural Interventions for Breaking Harmful Oral Habits - SDG Series" proved to be a transformative experience for participants seeking to enhance their behavioural interventions in breaking harmful oral habits. Breaking harmful oral habits such as nail biting, thumb sucking, or teeth grinding often requires a multifaceted approach that incorporates behavioral interventions. One effective strategy is habit reversal training, which involves increasing awareness of the habit, identifying triggers, and substituting the harmful behavior with a more positive one. For instance, individuals may be encouraged to keep their hands busy with a stress ball or chew toy instead of biting their nails. Additionally, implementing rewards for successfully refraining from the habit can reinforce positive behavior and motivate individuals to continue their efforts. Another helpful approach is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which focuses on changing the thought patterns and beliefs associated with the habit. By challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with more adaptive ones, individuals can develop healthier coping mechanisms and reduce the urge to engage in the harmful behavior. Moreover, CBT can help individuals identify and address underlying emotional or psychological triggers that contribute to the habit. Combined with habit reversal training and ongoing support, these behavioral interventions offer a comprehensive approach to breaking harmful oral habits and promoting better oral health and overall well-beings.


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