Meet the Team

  • Dr. M.S.Ramya Suresh

    A BDS undergraduate who had also completed a fellowship in medical aesthetics at Greifswald university and obtained certification in Face injectables (Botulinum toxin and Fillers). Member of IABDM and IAOMT (International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine) & (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology). Her clinical and research interests are Biological dentistry and Orofacial Pain.

  • Dr. Juhi

    Dr. Juhi

    BDS completed from Rama Dental College Kanpur Uttar Pradesh. Good aptitude for research work and academics. Research interests are salivary gland regeneration and salivary gland disorders.

  • Dr. Thilaga

    BDS undergraduate and a practicing dentist with 20 years of experience in clinical dentistry . She has a passion for learning and continuing education. She has attended many CDE programs throughout her career. Apart from dentistry ,she has a passion for psychology and has completed a certificate course in psychology from Yale University and a certificate course in counselling children and young adults from The International association of Therapists.

    During pandemic , she has volunteered for COVID teleconsultations and has helped more than 400 patients through a non profit organisation called StepOne.

    Her clinical and research interests are in biological dentistry and dentin pulpal complex regeneration.