Webinar on Special stains 

Dr. Sushruth Nayak

This was conducted on 9th August at 12.20 pm. Speaker was Dr. Sushruth Nayak., M.D.S., Prof & Head, Dept. of oral pathology, M.M college of Dental sciences and research M.M, Mullana-133207, Ambala. The webinar was well received by the participants. The speaker shared his wide knowledge and research experience in various special stains used in and out in the histopathological laboratory. Dr.Lakshmi, Sr. lecturer, department of Oral Pathology, moderated program, and Dr. Karthikeyan, Prof. and Head, Department of Oral Pathology concluded the session.


International webinar on Systemic diseases and Oral Health: An Evidence-based approach 


Biomaterials- Endocrine-disrupting chemicals